Feb. 25, 2023

BONUS - Chat With Everyday Buddhism 1

What is Everyday Buddhism Anyway?

Welcome to a special BONUS podcast, introducing our first "Chat with Everyday Buddhism" YouTube videocast on our Everyday Buddhism YouTube channel and now as an audio version for the podcast.
It is our very first episode of "Chat with Everyday Buddhism" where we are planning a series of chats with our sangha leaders, our sangha members, and special guests. In the first chat, join a conversation with Wendy Shinyo Sensei, the host of the Everyday Buddhism podcast and leader of the Everyday Sangha; Bradley Jinaiyo Sensei and Terry Hosken, practice leaders of the Everyday Sangha.
In this episode we talk about what Everyday Buddhism is all about and the benefit of finding community with a sangha. If you would like to ask a question or suggest a subject for us to discuss on upcoming "chat with buddhism" casts, you can do so by leaving me a voice mail on the everyday buddhism website or send an email. Go to to send am email or click on the tab on the sidebar to leave us a voice mail message that is no longer than 2 minutes.
Check out the conversation on our YouTube channel:

Check out my Substack posts for more everyday Buddhism:
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